I watched the new Daily Show with Trevor Noah and it was okay. Not great, just okay. It was very similar to the old Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I suspect the suits at Viacom didn't want to freak the audience out too much at once, so that's why they kept the flow of the show basically the same. I still say an American should have been hired for the job (in spite of Noah's claims that none of the Americans asked to take the job accepted the position). My response to that is dig deeper, Viacom! Whatever. What's done is done so either Trevor will work out or he won't. Time shall tell.
In other news, my sister is planning to take some time off from work around the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and she has to coordinate her time off with the other people in her office. That is such a foreign concept to me because my day job work environment doesn't function like that. I don't have to coordinate my scheduled time off with anyone else's and, frankly, I'd hate to have to do that. I can't even imagine being told, "Kim, you can't take the Wednesday before Thanksgiving off because Bob wants that day off and he's got more seniority than you and you both can't be off the same day, so, sorry, you lose!" Ugh. I think I've been spoiled by having managers for so long who don't care when I take a vacation day.
I've been watching the first season of American Horror Story on Netflix and it's pretty darn good. It's also pretty darn raunchy. I know it comes on FX, but that's still basic cable. How did this show make it through? (Then again, they put lobster boy on during the Freak Show season, so go figure.)
I'm not Catholic and I thought the media coverage of the Pope's US visit was excessive (I also thought the Pope's schedule was too tight--he's not 25 years old!), but I did enjoy seeing some largely positive news on for a change. And who didn't like seeing him kiss that baby dressed like him in Philly? How cute was that? The Pope emoji created were also cute (although I doubt the Pope ate a cheesesteak during his stay).
One more thing: Matt Damon: just shut it already.
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