Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Bad News for VW

As a Volkswagen driver (although one who doesn't drive a diesel vehicle, thankfully), the recent revelations about VW's janky emissions systems for its diesel cars is bad news. What are the owners of these vehicles supposed to do? The value of their cars has just dropped into the toilet and I read that the cars can't be fixed properly without ruining the engines. What a mess. I like my VW Jetta a lot (except for the stereo system that I've complained about more than once here). I got my car used last year and, so far, so good. I really hope it lasts me a while. Hell, I've got a few more years until it's paid off! I also hope Volkswagen doesn't fold as a result of this emissions thing. I used to have a Saturn and I know how it is when a car brand folds up shop. At least with Saturn you could get service at GM dealerships, but that won't be the case if VW folds. Volkswagen doesn't share its brand with anyone else, does it? The Germans really shit the bed with this one.

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