Thursday, August 27, 2020

Save Yourself!

 As this week draws to a close on yet another litany of disasters, I find myself asking, once again, "Can things get any worse?" Why yes, Kim, they can! I'm ready to knock myself out and hibernate through the rest of 2020. Wake me in 2021 when, hopefully, we'll be getting a new POTUS and a better view of life. But, since I can't do that, I have to try and live through the remaining months of 2020 (or stay alive through the remaining months). In an effort to try and save myself and my own mental health, I'm trying to limit the amount of news I watch and read online. It's all just too much sometimes. I want to stay informed, but I don't want to start the day in a funk because I turned on the news while I was having my morning coffee. We all have to do what we can to try and get through life's difficulties and I'm all about self-care. How can you take care of anyone else if you can't take care of yourself? Take the advice of flight attendants all over the world. Put the mask on yourself before attempting to assist others with their mask placement. Get your own oxygen flowing and then move on to help others with their oxygen flow. 

There are two people (one is a family member and one isn't) who I have avoided calling because talking with them both is emotionally draining for me. I just don't feel like hearing their tales of woe. Every time I talk with these individuals, I feel depressed after the call and I just can't put myself through that right now, so I've avoided them both. I hope they get the hint and don't call me at least for a while. So far, so good. I know I should come clean with both of them and just tell them, "I don't really like talking to you" but I haven't reached that point yet. For now, I'm hoping they'll pick up on my lack of communication and stay away.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Come Out Swinging and Keep Swinging

 I haven't been watching the Democratic National Convention, but I've been reading about it and watching clips from it. I'm glad to see the Dems coming out swinging against the current administration. During the last election when Democrats were advised to "go high when they go low" I disagreed with that plan. When you're running against a lowlife, sometimes you have to take it to the streets, come out swinging, and keep swinging on your opponent. I was glad to hear Obama hit Trump on his competency (or lack thereof) and conceit. Aside from everything else that annoys me about Donny, one of things I really hate is his unwillingness to learn. No one knows everything about everything, but we all should be willing to educate ourselves about things we don't know a lot about. Every presidency should involve on the job learning and that's why the POTUS should be surrounded by experts who can provide knowledgeable advice about domestic and international affairs. But when you have someone as POTUS who feels like he knows everything anyway and trusts his "gut" to tell him what to do, then you have the situation we find ourselves in now: a clusterfuck. 

I sincerely hope that the Democrats keep hitting Donny over and over with ads that are comprised of stupid things he's said (and they have a plethora of clips to use). Just play that shit in a loop and keep focusing on his bad decisions, conceit, inability to hire and maintain a cohesive administration, etc. A President doesn't have to be someone you agree with on every issue, but a President does need to be able to show empathy and care about the people and the state of the country. Donny does not have these qualities nor can he even fake them. November 3 can't come soon enough. 

Sunday, August 16, 2020


 I checked a book out from the library last week and was annoyed to see that someone had gone through the pages and added little pencil marks and comments. People who deface library books should be locked up. If you want to write in a book, make sure you own that book. I spent time yesterday morning erasing the previous reader's marks from the book because I found them distracting and annoying. (The person's written comments were also stupid.) Thankfully, the book isn't big, so it didn't take me that long to erase  this person's mess. Thank God the jerk wrote in pencil and not pen.

When I was in college, I used to buy used books when I could because (A) they were cheaper than new books and (B) I was broke. I had to deal with someone else's highlighting and marks. But the people who marked those books had purchased them and I knew what I was getting into when I bought those books. No one was marking up a book that didn't belong to them. You don't own library books, so you shouldn't be writing in them. What is wrong with people? Defacing library books is like littering: nasty and totally unnecessary. Throw your trash in a garbage can! Also, get off my lawn! 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

News and Not News

The big news today is that Biden finally picked a VP today, Kamala Harris. It's about time. I think Joe boxed himself in by pledging to have a woman as VP, but I'm fine with the pick. As I've said before, I'd vote for a ham sandwich for POTUS right now over Donny T. 

Yesterday's news here in the Chicago area was that hoodlums once again looted stores in and around the Loop. Ridiculous. The mayor et al really need to get a handle on the situation in the city. If I had lived in Chicago when the last mayoral election took place, I probably would have voted for Lightfoot. However, I probably would have ended up regretting that choice. She just doesn't seem to be able to get it together and I think her choice for police superintendent was a mistake. Superintendent Brown, in my opinion, isn't accustomed to dealing with the problems that Chicago is facing. Dealing with crime in Texas is different than dealing with it here. The issues are different and this isn't a position where someone has time to learn on the job. We need someone to come in here and get to work. After every weekend of double-digit shootings, we get the same press conference BS with Lightfoot and Brown. You can't keep doing the same things and expecting different results, folks.

And, finally, news that is NOT news, I've had it with hearing about Meghan and Harry. Enough already. Don't we have enough problems in the world without having multiple stories daily/weekly/monthly about the happiness or unhappiness of these two? Ugh. I don't care! I guess with most of the entertainment industry shut down, the gossip sites have to focus on something and now it's junk like Meghan and Harry or Ellen's shenanigans. 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

April 4, 2011

I was watching Magic Mike XXL on Tubi last night. (I'd also seen it at the movies when it came out...don't judge me.) While I was watching it, I thought about April 4, 2011. Why, do you ask? Because April 4, 2011 was the day I met Matt Bomer. And, when I saw Matt in Magic Mike, I thought about that day. (I actually had to go through my emails to find the exact date.) When I worked and lived in NY, the show "White Collar" was filming in the building where I worked. I had gone to the Cafe Metro in the lobby to get some breakfast and when I came out, Matt Bomer was there in his little suit and hat. I talked to him, he shook my hand, and I was thrilled. He really is a beautiful man.  When I saw him, he was every bit as good looking as he was on TV and very nice. He was so good looking that I had a hard time focusing while talking to him. I wish I'd had my cell phone on me that morning so I could have gotten a picture, but I didn't. In 2011, I wasn't glued to my phone the way I am now. 

If I ever happen to run into Bomer again, I'll ask him, "Do you remember what you were doing the morning of April 4, 2011? I do!"

A few months ago, there was a Tweet from a person comparing the physical similarities of so many men who star in Ryan Murphy's projects. Matt Bomer, Finn Wittrock, Cheyenne Jackson, etc. They all have dark hair and blue eyes. Murphy does seem to have a "type" and I'm not mad at him. You like what you like. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Little Things

As we all deal with the Covid pandemic, it's hard to try and find something positive in all of the negative news these days, but my new way to add some sunshine in my life is to have fresh flowers in my home. Ever since friends sent me roses for my birthday last month, I've been inspired to continue the tradition of having flowers around. Since I'm saving money by not eating lunch out (like I used to do when I was commuting to and from work), and not shopping the way I used to, I figured I could use some of that saved cash on flowers. I can usually pick up a bouquet at the grocery store or Trader Joe's and I like having flowers on display. Little things can help to brighten your day sometimes.