Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday Moaning

I was reading about the former prison worker who helped the two guys escape from the prison in upstate New York. The worker was sentenced today for her role in the escape and I was surprised to see her dressed in black and white stripes. I didn't realize prisoners still wore zebra stripes. Interesting, but I digress. I guess I can understand that this woman formed some kind of bond with the prisoners because of her daily interaction with them, but how do you go from having feelings for a prisoner to smuggling tools to them to aid their escape? That's a big leap to make, in my mind. If she wanted to help these guys, she certainly could have done so legally by helping them with legal aid or something, but she didn't and now she's headed to the big house herself.

Why is Brian Williams back on the air? I don't get the admiration for him. Maybe he's a nice guy, but he lied time and time again on the news and that should have been enough to have him off the air for good. Someone at NBC certainly loves the guy. Either that or he's got some serious dirt on someone at the network. Lester Holt had better watch his back. As soon as they start trying to put Bri Willy in his place to anchor the evening news while he's on vacation, you know there's trouble afoot!

I try not to get too political on my blog because politics generally annoy and depress me, but I have to say it: I'm not feeling the Bern. Every time I see Bernie Sanders I think, "This guy hasn't got a chance in hell of being the Democratic nominee let alone the President." He looks like a professor who's been teaching too long. I'm sorry, but I don't want a 75-year-old President. (I don't want Clinton either, but that's another story.) I really wish someone else would break from the pack on the Democratic side and run. How many jokers are still in the Republican race? Too many, yet we can't even get more than a few Democrats out there? Are they afraid of Hillary?

I've got to stop reading internet comments on some websites. I got pissed off today after reading some comments after a story on and then I was annoyed with myself for actually getting pissed off. Life is too short to get my panties in a wad over stuff like this and I know better.

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