Sunday, October 15, 2017


The Chicago Tribune printed my reading list in today's Biblioracle:

The books listed aren't the last five books I've read, but they are five books I've read this year that I largely enjoyed beginning with The Underground Railroad (that I finished in January) and ending with Idyll Fears (that I finished a few weeks ago). I wasn't crazy about the recommendation to read Lorrie Moore's A Gate at the Stairs. I've never read Moore's work although I've heard good things. This is the second time someone has recommended that I read Moore's writing. My boss back in the early 1990s recommended that I read Moore's book Who Will Run the Frog Hospital and I never read that. Maybe I should. When I read the description of A Gate at the Stairs, it didn't sound like something I wanted to read. The same goes for the Frog Hospital book when my old boss recommended it. Still, I'm surprised that two people have recommended the same author to me in my lifetime. Maybe I should check out some of Moore's work.


  1. Hi Kim,

    I love Moore's short stories more than her novels, so I see where maybe you didn't dig A Gate at the Stairs. Also, for what it's worth, I was once told in a writing workshop that I read too much Moore and it was showing in my prose (hilariously, I had not read ANY Moore at this time in my life). So the fact that you reading my book, Idyll Fears, led to another Lorrie Moore ref is just my world coming full circle.

    You might like Sarah Waters' fiction.

  2. Stephanie, thanks for the comment. I love your Idyll books! I've never heard of Sarah Waters, but I'll check out her work.

