Saturday, April 29, 2023

Over and Out

Is James Corden finally done? Has he taken himself back across the pond?  I feel like he's been "leaving" his late-night gig for more than a year. I was glad to hear this week that his show is finally over and out. I don't think I ever watched one episode of Corden's show because I find him annoying and not funny at all. He can't hit the road fast enough.

Someone else who's "over and out" this week is Tucker Carlson. I didn't watch his show either, but I was surprised to hear that Fox booted him this week. My sister actually texted me about his departure before I read the news myself online. Interesting. I figured some heads would roll at Fox after that huge settlement, but I didn't think Carlson's would be one of them. When you fire a ratings giant like Carlson, there must be a damn good reason for it. Then again, Bill O'Reilly (remember him?) used to be a ratings giant also and he got the boot. Of course, he had a lawsuit against him (as Carlson does), so maybe Fox figured it was easier to cut bait in spite of the ratings. At the end of the day, Fox is still a business and, as the saying goes, one monkey doesn't stop the show! I'm sure the powers that be at Fox will elevate or find some other clown to take Tucker's place and spew their bullshit.

Keeping with the "over and out" theme, Don Lemon was also cut loose from CNN and tweeted that he was "stunned" that he'd lost his job with the network. Stunned? Really, Don? He must truly be delusional if he didn't realize his job was in jeopardy for some time. All of the chatter about his behavior on and off camera and the whole "past her prime" thing stacked the deck against him (rightly so). I'm surprised Lemon lasted as long as he did. What kills me about TV personalities like Carlson and Lemon is that if they had behaved in the same way in a normal workplace, they surely would have been out of a job a lot sooner. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Thanks, MTA!

With all of the bad news lately, I decided to post about some good news today.

The last time I was in New York was in February of 2020 before Covid hit. I had a MetroCard (shown below) so I could ride the subway while I was there. I kept that card because it still had money on it to use the next time I was in New York. But when Covid happened, any plans to travel to New York were gone and the card expired. However, the MTA allows you to get any funds from an expired card transferred to a new card (as long as the expiration date wasn't over two years). Since my card expired 11/30/21, I was still within that two-year expiration time so I mailed my card to the MTA to request a new card and a transfer of those funds. I figured I had about a 50-50 chance of actually getting a new card but, lo and behold, a new card came in the mail today from the MTA with my $8.00 balance added. Woo hoo! I'm planning to go to New York this summer and that card will come in handy. Thanks, MTA! I doubted you, but you came through! (And, yes, I am cheap and glad I got my $8!)

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Good Luck with That!

Well, Chicago will soon have a new mayor, Brandon Johnson. I wish him the best because he's got his work cut out for him! Chicago will also serve as the host city for the next Democratic National Convention. Good luck with that, Chicago! In theory, it sounds like a boon for the city. Lots of visitors, a flow of money into the city, etc. I hope when the time comes the city is ready for it. The last thing Chicago needs is to have something terrible happen to a visitor who's come to town for the convention. The publicity is bad enough for the city right now because of crimes committed again people who live in and around here! Imagine the coverage if some crime is committed against a visitor. It'll be on a non-stop loop over the national news.

Moving on...

As I'm seriously contemplating getting a new car this year, I keep reading about the national push to have people buy electronic vehicles. Yeah, later for that. I want to know I can keep my car moving by getting gas, not from having to find a charging station. As someone who occasionally takes road trips, I know I can find a gas station readily available. I can't say the same for a charging station. I understand the environmental reasons that electronic vehicles are preferred over those run with gas, but that alone would not convince me to get an EV. I'll have to try and help save the planet some other way.