Saturday, August 3, 2013


I just want to go on record and say that the movie Gayby was not good.  I already slammed Royal Pains earlier and now I'm slamming Gayby.  The premise of the movie sounded good:  a straight woman and her gay male friend decide to have a baby together...the old fashioned way.  Great.  Fine.  Unfortunately, the actors were so physically unappealing and the movie was so dull that I found myself waiting for it to be over.  My mind wandered constantly throughout the movie and I wondered about other things like how a woman who's a yoga instructor can afford a Manhattan apartment with a rooftop balcony and how a dude working in a comic book store could afford to live in overpriced Brooklyn.  And what's with these gay men working in comic book stores?  Didn't we have that in Queer as Folk?  Maybe someone someday will make a good movie that explores the relationship between a straight woman and a gay man, but I'm still waiting for that film and Gayby ain't it.  Two thumbs down...way down.

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