Thursday, August 8, 2013


Finally, I got fitted for my permanent crown after it was sent back to alterations the last time I went to the dentist.  I certainly hope my dental work is done for a while.

Also, finally the city or the MTA or someone put some spikes up beneath the underpass at the Ft. Hamilton Parkway subway station to keep those freaking pigeons from shitting on everyone below.  This has been a problem since I moved to Kensington that was not helped by the little dude who feeds the pigeons and chats with the guy selling newspapers in the morning.  You always had to run or walk really fast beneath that underpass to avoid the pigeon poop.  And there would be piles of pigeon crap stacked up beneath the underpass.  You could smell it before you saw it.  Now there are spikes all along the beams to keep the dirty birds out.  Yea! 

Unfortunately, I was not one of the three Powerball winners for yesterday's jackpot, so I was forced to return to my day job to earn my meager wages.  Sigh.

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