Thursday, July 7, 2016

Another Birthday

Well, another birthday has come and is almost gone for me. It wasn't a bad day. I worked, I did some laundry, I picked up my new glasses (with progressive lenses--see below), my sister took me out to dinner (that was nice). But back to the glasses. How ironic that as I gain another year, I pick up glasses that truly signify how my eyesight is aging along with the rest of my body. Oy!

Well, what can you do? I'm glad to have another year walking, talking, living, and surviving. The struggle is real, folks.

In other news, I've been reading about the ex-Fox News anchor, Gretchen Carlson, who's suing her former employer, Roger Ailes, for sexual harassment, etc. Now I believe Carlson probably was harassed and treated poorly by some men at Fox during her tenure there, but she sucked on the Fox News teat for eleven years. She carried their water, served as their conduit, and cosigned on their bullshit for eleven years, so I don't really feel sorry for her. Yes, if she was harassed, she should sue and win. But, as far as I'm concerned, she and Ailes can both go pound sand because they're both awful. There are no winners here.

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