Thursday, February 4, 2016

Under the Bus

I'm so glad Suits is back on USA but I can't help wondering when the lawyers are going to finally throw Mike Ross's fake ass under the bus. The guy's not a lawyer and he didn't go to Harvard. How long are the other members of the firm going to keep covering for him? Yes, they're covering for themselves also, but surely these smart attorneys could find a way to rid themselves of Ross without getting the stink of his lies on the firm. Of course then there wouldn't be a show, would there?

In totally unrelated news, I went to Panda Express tonight and didn't get a fortune cookie. Grrrr! I like fortune cookies. They're tasty. I was off Chinese food for a few years after a bad batch of lo mein in Brooklyn made me barf. Now I'm back on it, but only Panda Express. I can't bring myself to just go to a local place for fear of another barfing incident.

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