Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Killing Us Softly

Is everything out there trying to slowly kill us? Zika-infested mosquitoes, lead-tainted water, defective air bags, Ted Cruz. Stop the madness! I read today that the CDC said women of child-bearing age who aren't on birth control shouldn't drink because, in the event that they do become pregnant, they could harm their child via alcohol-related illnesses. It's amazing how Draconian the public health officials have become in the last few decades. As someone who grew up in the 70s and 80s, it's a wonder I even survived my childhood. We didn't have car seats and seat belts weren't even required when driving. I'm not saying car seats and seat belts aren't good, but sometimes I feel like we live in a nanny state. That being said, my father recently revealed that he might have to wear a hearing aid in the near future because he's having trouble hearing in one of his ears. My father worked in a car factory for many years starting in the late 60s. He worked in a factory before OHSA regulations were standard in factories. He would come home from work in the 70s and blow his nose and black soot would come out. God only knows what kinds of toxins he was breathing during the work day. I believe that factory contributed to the respiratory and auditory problems he's had in the past and is having now.

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