Friday, February 26, 2016

Is It Over Yet?

This has been an odd week for me. I'm going through some drama at work. (Really, who isn't?) For my situation, I certainly hope some positive results come from the drama but I have a bad feeling things will return to business as usual. In other news, I had two doctor's appointments earlier this week as check-ups on previous issues and everything seemed fine, but this afternoon, I started feeling lousy with issues totally unrelated to my previous issues. With my luck, I'll end up back at the doctor next week. That's what happens when you're middle aged. Thankfully, we didn't get any lasting snow here in the Chicago area after the all-day snowstorm we had Wednesday. The folks in the southern part of the state and along the Illinois/Indiana border really got slammed, but with temps supposedly going into the 50s this weekend, maybe they'll be able to dig out.

It's hard to avoid the political situation (although I try), but every week, pretty much every day, there's more news about the Republican clown car of candidates that, while shrinking in size, still manages to roll on. I'm so ready for the "real" candidates on both sides to be selected so we can all move on. I have to laugh when I hear these "establishment" pundits in a tizzy about Trump. Hey, folks, Trump is the monster the GOP created. They built him and now they don't want him? He's saying a lot of things you'd hear on Fox News or read on the WSJ's editorial pages on any given day, yet they act like they don't know what he's up to. You birthed this baby, now take him!

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