Saturday, November 12, 2016

Is This Week Over Yet?

As this tumultuous week winds down, I'm working to remain optimistic about the incoming president. Yes, it's hard to do, but I'm trying. I'm also going to enjoy the remaining weeks of the current president's term. I certainly hope this holiday season isn't dampened by the current state of national affairs. I think we need a little holiday cheer to boost our morale.

In other news, I'm plugging away trying to finish the book I've been working on. This one has been a struggle for me, but I'm trying to get it done by the end of the year. I had another book that was pretty far along and then I abandoned that one because I just couldn't seem to get it together and moved on to the current one I'm working on. I really have to start making daily writing a priority and that's something I haven't been doing lately.

RIP, Leonard Cohen and Robert Vaughn.

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