Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Sit Down

Sometimes you get a standing ovation and sometimes you get the hook. Sometimes you should stand up and sometimes you should sit down. Well, it's time for Marco Rubio and Sam Smith to have a seat. Let's start with Marco. He's won, what, one primary yet he keeps believing he'll be the Republican nominee. Keep hope alive? More like keep delusion coming. I watch him at these rallies and you'd think he was actually at the top of the heap, but he isn't. He's on the bottom. Dude, it's time to sit down.

As for Sam Smith, he also needs to take a seat. He's someone I've blogged about before and, after a no bueno performance at the Oscars, he actually won for "Writing's On the Wall" and then proclaimed to be the first gay person to win an Oscar. That was news to other gay folks who have won. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I don't like Sam Smith. I don't like his singing and I don't like his face (the beard isn't helping). He may be a very nice guy, but clearly he's a few cans short of a six pack with his Oscar performance and speech. Take a bow, Sam, and then take a seat. 

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