Saturday, September 24, 2016

Winter is Coming!

Okay, maybe winter's not coming today or tomorrow or even next week, but it'll be here before we know it so I bought myself a new winter coat yesterday. When I went to the register with my purchase, the cashier said, "No! It's too soon for winter coats!" I told her, "No, it's not!" Now is the time to get a coat if you need one BEFORE the weather turns and people start scrambling to get new coats. Now, the selection is good. Once the cold and snow come, you'll be left with slim pickings if you decide you want or need a new coat. Now is the time to get winter boots also. Don't wait until the weather turns before you decide it's time to replace your old winter-wear. Strike while the iron (and the weather) are hot. Is it depressing buying winter coats and snow boots when it's 70 degrees outside? Yes, but when you live outside of Chicago like I do, you know winter IS coming, so you do what you have to do to prepare.

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