Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Leslie Odom, Jr. at Ravinia

I went to see Leslie Odom, Jr. at Ravinia Park on Sunday, but I didn't actually SEE him. I did HEAR him and he sounded great. Let me explain. I had lawn seats for the event and he performed in a concert hall on the grounds. I thought for sure Ravinia would broadcast the show on the jumbo screens used in the outdoor pavilion, but they didn't. The folks on the lawn had audio only, so we weren't able to see Leslie. What a disappointment! I guess I should have ponied up $90+ to see him in the indoor venue. He did sound great and if he comes to town again, I'll cough up the cash to see him live and in person rather than just hear him live.

In non-Leslie-related news, are people really surprised by Donny T.'s latest bout of diarrhea of the mouth? I'm not. Have people forgotten that this is a man who (with his father) discriminated against blacks in their real estate properties in the 70s and got sued for that? (But since he settled with the government he feels he did nothing wrong. Just because you don't admit guilt doesn't mean you aren't guilty, Donny!) Oh gee, a racist guy defends other racists. Color me shocked!

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