Wednesday, August 2, 2017


I don't often think about committing crimes but, when I do, the one at the top of my list is dog-napping. If I see a cute dog on the street with its owner, I think about grabbing that pooch and making a run for it. (I doubt I'd get far, but still.) When I first moved to Evanston, I used to see a guy walking his beagle and another little white dog. I wanted that beagle but figured if I grabbed him, I'd have to take his fluffy white "brother" also. No, I would never actually steal someone's pet. I'm not a thief and I certainly don't want to go to jail. What are you in for? Stealing a dog. Seriously? I'd just be asking to get shanked in prison with that story. In any case, I can and will wait until I get my own dog, hopefully when I retire or hit the lottery (whichever comes first).

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