Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Haters of Change

Iowa state representative Steve King doesn't want Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill because he doesn't like change. He prefers the white guys (Hamilton, Jefferson, Lincoln, Franklin) on his currency because that's what he's accustomed to. Some nut job running for some political position in Tennessee is using the slogan "Make America White Again" in his campaign materials. (Was America ever white? I don't think so.) In any case, what King and the Tennessee idiot want is not to have to see or deal with people who aren't white. The Tennessee guy said he longed for the days of "Leave It to Beaver." Those days are over and, God willing, they aren't coming back. I've said before that a lot of the people who loved "Mad Men" liked the idea of white guys running everything while racial minorities and women existed on the periphery. I was a "Mad Men" fan myself, but not because I longed for the 60s to return. (Hell, I wasn't even born in the 1960s!) I liked "Mad Men" because I thought the show was entertaining in its absurdity and I liked Jon Hamm. I get nostalgic for the past also, but not the bad parts of it. I don't long for the days of segregation and all-white TV shows like "Leave It to Beaver" and "The Andy Griffith Show." (I do miss the terribly politically incorrect cartoons of my youth. I'm sorry [not really], but that stuff was funny.)

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