Friday, September 20, 2013

Tossed Out

I just read an article about a couple who was asked to leave an Applebee's restaurant because their kids were unruly.  The police were called, probably because the couple chose to argue with the restaurant staff and they (the staff) thought the situation might get out of control.  I think the call to police might have been excessive on the part of the restaurant, but I'm fully in agreement with tossing these folks and their kids out.  According to what I read, the kids (two little boys) were running around the restaurant harassing other customers.  If you can't control your kids, get a babysitter and leave them at home.  Really.  Your lack of parental skills shouldn't impact my dinner. 

And speaking of bad kids, some suburban teens trashed an ex-football player's house in New York and when he posted their antics online (after the kids had already posted this stuff themselves), some of the kids parents had the nerve to threaten the football player with a lawsuit for posting pictures of their kids.  Huh?  Your kids trashed and vandalized this man's house and you're mad because he put their bad behavior on display?  Mind you, the bad behavior that they'd already put on display themselves.  These parents ought to be ashamed of themselves.  Rather than threatening lawsuits, they need to be ponying up some cash to help this man repair is damaged home. 

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