Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The People Have Spoken

Since primary day has come and gone in New York, voters like myself should feel good about the choices we made as we pulled the Soviet-era voting machine levers yesterday to select the candidates for our local elections.  We should pat ourselves on the back for putting Quinn, Weiner, Spitzer, Hynes, Castimatidis, and others out of their misery.  Weiner's descent was particularly difficult to watch because he just self-destructed all over again.  It's a shame because I thought (and still think) he would have been good for the city if only he could control himself and, clearly, he can't.  As for Quinn, she learned a painful lesson that being Bloomberg's boot-licker can only get you so far.  He really didn't do her any favors either.  His support for her mayoral run was tepid at best. 

While I am rooting for DeBlasio to be the next mayor, I can live with Thompson holding that office also if there is a run-off.  Democracy in action, my friends.  Democracy in action.

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