Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Change is Afoot!

With the welcome of fall, we close the door on another summer.  Change is afoot! Goodbye sandals, hello covered-toe shoes and boots...but not yet. The weather in New York has been really wonderful these past few days. Sunny and comfortable during the day, and nice and cool at night. Unfortunately, the days are getting shorter and I dread waking up and coming home in the dark, but I'm hoping for a quiet fall that doesn't have another Hurricane Sandy repeat in its forecast. It was last October (Halloween weekend, I believe) when the storm rolled into town. It's hard to believe that was almost a year ago. Time flies. But, in the meantime, I intend to enjoy the good weather we're having.

In other news, I read Jon Hamm has to have surgery to remove a polyp from his throat. Poor Hamm! I hope the surgery goes well. I love him with that wolfman beard, by the way. I know many folks don't care for it because he doesn't look like Don Draper, but I, for one, am a fan. That beard suits him. I wish they'd let Don Draper go full wolfman on "Mad Men" but I know they won't, not unless Don became a hobo or something and I don't see that happening.

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