Thursday, October 13, 2016

Uncle Bobby and Gropergate

I used to work with a guy in Detroit who was a huge Bob Dylan fan. We frequently talked about Uncle Bobby and, while I could never share in my co-worker's enthusiasm for Dylan, I tried to be supportive. I'm sure my co-worker is beside himself today after hearing Dylan is a Nobel Literature Prize winner. I didn't realize song lyrics were considered "literature." Okay.

In other "say what now" news, I've avoiding saying much lately about the shit show that is the US presidential race. I watched that mess of a debate Sunday night and all I could think about was how dirty the whole thing is. I called these kind of shenanigans months ago. I said if Trump and Clinton were the nominees, the race would be dirty, dirty, dirty and it is, is, is. (Gropergate 2016!) What's with these dirty old guys (and I'm including Bill Clinton in this group of pussygrabbers)? But, really, is anyone really surprised by Trump's behavior with women? The guy's been a jerk forever. And, while I have no sympathy for the him, I do think it's fair game to bring Clinton's issues with women into the argument also. That's what you do when you're in a street fight. You use what you have to take your opponent down. Throw dirt in his/her face, sucker punch them, whatever. Survival of the fittest. It's a shame our political system is going straight to hell, but maybe it has to hit rock bottom before it try to climb out of the hole and heal itself.

Just when you think things can't get any worse, they do! November 8th can't come soon enough.

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