Monday, November 2, 2020

Pre-Election Thoughts

It's the calm before the storm, folks. Well, I hope there isn't a storm, but I tend to be more of a pessimist than an optimist. And what's going on during this pre-election eve?

Businesses in major cities are boarding up their windows in case there's unrest and/or looting in the streets. 

Donny T. is flapping his gums about firing Fauci. (Just when you think POTUS can't be any dumber, he defies expectations with his stupidity!)

Northwestern students are protesting and damaging businesses in Evanston, IL. Those freaking kids. Why can't they go tear up stuff on campus? Why come into the city and wreak havoc on businesses that are struggling to survive? Idiots. Maybe allowing some kids back on campus was a bad idea! Evanston's mayor is right to go to the NU president and request that the university help cover the cost of added city police protection to deal with these students.

I'm fortunate to have tomorrow off from my day job. The company shut down for Election Day and, since I voted early, I've got the whole day off to drink. Okay, I won't drink ALL day, but I'll certainly have some beverages as the polls close tomorrow night. (Maybe they should have given us Wednesday off also to deal with the hangovers!) I need to spend part of my day tomorrow at the laundromat washing my winter coats (because winter is coming, folks). 

What I don't intend to do tomorrow is stress out over situations that are beyond my control. I've voted. I've done my civic duty. If you haven't voted yet, I certainly hope you get out and vote tomorrow. Democracy in action, folks. Let's be the change we want to see.

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