Tuesday, March 28, 2017

I Agree!

I read comedian Michael Che's recent comment that Boston is the most racist city in America and I can say from my own experience in Boston years ago that I agree. After I was called a word I won't repeat here that starts with n and ends in r during a visit a potential college in Boston, I vowed never to spend my money in that place again. I've been back to Boston two times since then, but I went for work and I didn't drop my own dime to spend time in that place.

In other "I agree" news, I read about a woman whose children were forced to change their clothing before a United flight because the leggings the kids had on didn't comply with the airline's dress code for individuals flying on the kind of special tickets the family had. Hey, if an airline has comped you tickets or is allowing you to fly at a ridiculously low rate, I think you can comply with their dress code policy by putting on a pair of "real" pants. (And, no, leggings aren't "real" pants.)

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