Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I Don't Get It

Rather than complain about yet another day of snow (because, really, what good would it do), I'll do a post about Wes Anderson movies and how I just don't get them. I don't. Granted, I've only seen three of his films: Rushmore, Fantastic Mr. Fox (that he wrote the screenplay for), and The Royal Tenenbaums, but I didn't really care for any of them. They all seemed pretentious and the characters weren't interesting to me. I know critics and many fans adore him, but I guess I'm just not the right demographic for his films. I'm not hip enough. Critics are raving about his new film, The Grand Budapest Hotel. Quirky hotel guests! An Indian bellhop! Bill Murray! Ed Norton! Yawn. When I saw the trailer for this movie, I quickly came to the conclusion that this was yet another Wes flick that I'd be taking a pass on.

Speaking of Edward Norton, I'd just like to take a moment to praise Ed for his performance in Fight Club. The actual fight club in the movie gets a lot of press, but I enjoyed Ed's addiction to support groups in the film so much more than watching a bunch of dudes fight each other, make soap, and blow things up. Seeing Ed Norton at a sickle cell support group being hugged by a circle of black folks makes me laugh every time I see that movie.

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