Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dress for Success

I have noticed lately that more and more people are not exactly dressing for success in the workplace.  Maybe I'm old school, but I was under the impression that you should be clean and your clothes should be clean and ironed (if wrinkled) for work.  On the subway this morning, I saw more than one poorly dressed person heading to work.  Stains on one man's pants, lint balls on another's jacket, a woman whose shoes were falling apart, a man whose shoes were in need of a little polish.  And these were not people who looked like they were unable to afford some detergent, a lint brush, a decent pair of flats, or a tube of shoe polish.  Sadly, I really think the standard for dressing for work has just declined.  In my own office, I frequently see women wearing leggings, flip flops, and wife-beaters and men wearing jeans and tee shirts.  And the company I work for has a dress code that bans these items.  But that dress code has, apparently, gone the way of the dinosaur because it doesn't seem to be enforced at all.  They really should just scrap the code entirely if they're not going to enforce it.

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