Sunday, April 9, 2017

Bagged Lettuce

I read this morning that some folks in Florida discovered a dead bat in their bagged lettuce and, to make matters worse, they had eaten from the bag before the decomposed bat bits were discovered. Ugh. I can't even imagine eating from a bag of anything that had a dead bat inside of it. Now those folks who were exposed to the bat have to be tested for rabies. I swore of bagged lettuce myself a few months ago when I opened a bag and a silverfish crawled out. Thankfully, I hadn't eaten any of the lettuce and I was in the process of washing it when the bug showed up. Ugh. That bag went straight into the garbage and I decided I was done with bagged lettuce. Now, if I want lettuce, I'll get some that I can inspect first. I understand bugs can get into produce, but you'd think these companies that sell bagged lettuce would inspect the contents before it's bagged. Always wash your produce before you eat it, bagged or not. At least then you've got a fighting chance to catch something nasty that may have hitched a ride with your foodstuffs.

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