Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Shut It!

Some people, as we all know, really need to shut it and limit expressing their private thoughts publicly. Today's candidates are, repeat offenders, Lena Dunham and Bill O'Reilly. I read that Dunham recently stated during an interview that she wishes she'd had an abortion. Huh? Who wishes something like that? It didn't take long for Dunham to apologize after she was publicly shamed for her statement. It seems like almost every time Dunham opens her mouth, she ends up apologizing for whatever stupid, ill-conceived statement she made. It amazes me that this woman has an entertainment career in front of the camera (and that's not an insult about her looks--that's an insult about her whole person). And recently Bill O'Reilly stated on his show that the "left" wants to take power away from the "white establishment." Say what now? What world does he think we're living in? This isn't the 1950s anymore, Bill. The last time I checked, the citizens of our country and its government is made up of all kinds of people and, guess what, they're not all white! When I hear the kind of diarrhea of the mouth that comes from people like Dunham and O'Reilly who have a public platform, I wonder if these folks are just trying to get some publicity. Clearly, they can't be that clueless, can they?

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