Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Street Meat

I saw a story on the local Fox station the other night about the disgusting behavior of some food cart vendors around the city.  I have always made it a rule not to eat from food carts (except for the waffle truck--they get a pass from me).  All you have to do is look at some of the guys who run many of the food carts parked around the city.  Some of these fellows look like they don't bathe daily.  If you can't keep yourself clean, why would I expect you to keep your grill clean???  The local news story showed a guy blowing his nose into a rag or napkin of some kind and using that same rag or napkin to wipe down his grill.  Nasty!  Another guy dropped a pretzel on the ground, picked it up, and put it back on his food truck for sale.  Another guy was seen wiping his cooking utensils down with a dirty rag.  (The rag was black with grime!!!)  Everytime I see a food cart vendor, I wonder (1) How does this guy wash his hands?  (2) Does this guy wash his hands?  (3) Where does he go to the bathroom? (4) How is the meat he's cooking stored?  I find it better to just avoid these trucks entirely.  You're just asking for intestinal problems if you eat street meat and the news story just confirmed what I already suspected.

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