Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Madness of Donny T.

I purchased Michael Wolff's book Fire and Fury for my Kindle Friday night and started reading it Saturday morning. I'm on Chapter 7 now. So far, my only complaint is that it's too Bannon-centric. Other than that, it's an interesting read. I'm not expecting to find out anything I didn't already know about Donny T., but reading a detailed analysis of the chaos we live with on a daily basis is a sobering reminder that a nut job is running the country. I have no sympathy for any people who chose to align themselves with Donny T. The whole administration is a den of vipers. They can all cannibalize each other for all I care. No one should be surprised by the so-called revelations in the book. Our POTUS can't/won't read, can't/won't listen, and lives in a delusional state surrounded by flunkies who tell him what he wants to hear. It's funny to me to hear Donny and his minions come out so hard against a book that they claim is filled with lies and how he even sicced his legal team on the writer and publisher to try and shut the book down. If the book was such a fraud, why fight so hard against it? Also, someone should tell Donny that we live in the United States, not Iran. We have freedom of speech here, even if it's speech you don't like. All of his tweets and tantrums have done nothing but give Wolff more book sales. Donny's probably mad he won't be getting a cut of the proceeds.

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