Thursday, September 7, 2017

Yes, Daddy

I've been reading a lot lately about Donny T.'s daughter calling him "Daddy" and many people seem to feel this isn't appropriate for a woman of her age. Now I disagree with Donny T. and the Funky Bunch (family members included) on most things, but I have to say here that I don't understand the outrage. I call my own father "Daddy" and I'm many years older than Donny's daughter. But, in my defense, my father also called his own father "Daddy" until he died and he's Southern. Calling one's father "Daddy" is just the way it is in my family and in many others, I suspect. Maybe it's a regional thing or a racial thing (in Donny's case it's probably neither). But whether you refer to your father as Dad, Pops, Daddy, That Guy, Insert First Name Here, or whatever, that's your personal preference. I'm not going to stop calling my father "Daddy" just because someone out there in the world thinks it's juvenile or unprofessional. Some people really have too much time on their hands if they're worrying about how someone else refers to his or her father. There are far worse things to worry about these days. And, speaking of which, what's up with these natural disasters? Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, California wildfires. Are the end times upon us??? I certainly hope not. Is Donny T. somehow to blame? Probably. Whatever the reason, I'm certainly hoping and praying for an end to these events.  The picture below has nothing to do with my blog post. I took it in a park in DC near Chinatown when I was there last week and I thought it was cute.

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