I was out and about yesterday doing the boring things I tend to do on the weekend (buying groceries and other stuff), I realized why so many people prefer to shop online. Shopping at stores is a hassle. First, during a stop for groceries, the kid who was bagging my items couldn't do the job right and I ended up with a bag full of baked chicken grease because the container had come off partially. The bagger, for some reason, either hadn't noticed this or didn't care and just stuffed the half-open container into my bag (because in Evanston, BYOB [bring your own bag] is encouraged). So then I spent about ten minutes cleaning chicken grease off of everything in my reusable bag (that had to be washed after this) and repacking my groceries. People don't know how to bag groceries anymore. They just throw everything in. There's an art to grocery packing. I used to be a cashier at A&P when I was in college. I know how to pack groceries. I need to just insist on packing my own stuff from now on. Thanks for nothing, Jewel-Osco bag boy.
After the grocery store/chicken mishap, I went to a store to buy shorts and ended up stuck in line behind a guy who wrote a check for $1.09. Who writes a check for anything other than bills anymore??? Uh, no one...but this guy. If you don't have $1.09 in your pocket in cash, you shouldn't be leaving the house. No wonder so many retail stores (including the one I was in yesterday) are failing and people are shopping online. At least when you're at home buying stuff, you don't have to wait in line behind some jackal writing a check for $1.09. Before the guy wrote his check, he argued with the cashier about some "points" he had and how he thought he had enough to cover the cost of his purchase ($1.09) but the cashier told him he didn't and, after that, the check came out. Frustrating! I should have just offered to pay the $1.09 myself since I actually had cash on me. Cash is still accepted in exchanged for goods and services, folks.
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