Sunday, December 13, 2015

Enthusiasm Curbed

My sister has been in a tizzy lately over the hit Broadway show Hamilton. (She's going to see it next year.) She's downloaded the soundtrack and she keeps up with news about the play and its creator, Lin-Manuel Miranda. She's also trying to get me to be as enthusiastic as she is about the show, but I'm not biting. History and hip hop? Thanks, but no thanks. I just can't get into it. I listened to some of the show's music during our drive from Detroit over Thanksgiving, but I can't say I enjoyed any of it. Nothing against Miranda (I'm glad he's out there doing his thing and putting people of color out in front in a Broadway show), but historical battle raps just aren't my cup of tea.

My enthusiasm was further curbed when I watched the indie movie Tangerine over the weekend. This movie, about two transgender prostitutes, was supposedly filmed entirely on iPhones. If that's true, I commend the director(s) for doing an excellent job. The movie looked good. I wish I could say the same about the movie itself. The dialogue wasn't really more than one person after another cursing at someone and there wasn't much of a plot either. But I will say I thought the film presented a realistic view (or what I think is a realistic view) of street sex workers and how they live very hand-to-mouth. They say pimpin' ain't easy? Well, ho'ing ain't no walk in the park either, apparently.

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