Wednesday, January 28, 2015


So McDonald's fired their CEO today in hopes of turning things around for the failing fast food company. I don't know if a change in management will do the trick and get customers to return to the golden arches, but I suspect McDonald's has greater problems than who's at the helm. I can only speak for myself, but I haven't been to McDonald's for lunch or dinner in quite some time. I don't think I've had a McDonald's cheeseburger or some McNuggets since I left New York and the last few times I did go there for lunch, the burgers just weren't that great. I remember when I enjoyed a cheeseburger from McDonald's, but that time has passed. Wendy's and Five Guys make a tastier burger than McDonald's. People's tastes also change and there's nothing you can do about that. If people stop liking and eating your food, then maybe you need to start cooking something else.

I read a comment on Buzzfeed today about McDonald's and the commenter said McDonald's needs to bring back the secondary characters they used to have like Grimace, the Hamburgler, and Mayor McCheese. Although I'm sure the dude who wrote this comment was joking, I still think he may be on to something. What happened to those McDonald's characters? Why were they dropped? You barely even see Ronald McDonald anymore but that's because people have a bias against clowns. (Thanks a lot, John Wayne Gacy!) I grew up with Ronald and the gang but kids today don't even know who they are. Burger King did try to bring back the King, but he came off as weird and creepy in their commercials (although maybe that was intentional). My advice to the new McDoanld's CEO would be to bring back Grimace and the gang and work on making the burgers better.

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