Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Stranger Danger

My sister sent me a link to a story about a woman who encountered a stranger in her home. The homeowner walked into her kitchen and found a strange woman there putting jars of food in her refrigerator. The strange woman was clearly mentally ill and seemed to believe she had a reason to be in the homeowner's kitchen. The homeowner calmly called the police who came and removed the woman and no harm was done to anyone, but the story made me wonder how I'd react in a similar situation. If I just walked into my kitchen and saw a strange woman there rummaging through my refrigerator, what would I do? I'd probably ask her what she was doing there, tell her to get the f out, and, if that didn't work, break out the pepper spray. No matter what, I'd either get the woman out of my house or vacate the premises myself and, in either case, I'd call the police and have the woman arrested. The woman in the story didn't press charges because her own teenaged son had allowed the strange woman into their home, figuring she was a friend of his mother's, so trying to press charges probably would have been difficult. But if nothing is done, this woman continues to walk the streets and enter the homes of others and that doesn't seem like a good solution to the problem.

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