Monday, September 22, 2014

Release the Hounds!

After hearing that some nut job hopped the White House fence last week and through an unlocked door, I, like many Americans, wondered where the hell was the Secret Service? Sitting around eating donuts? Cracking jokes while this dude sprinted across the lawn and opened an unlocked door? "We've got a live one!" In addition to wanting some answers about the lack of Secret Service agents, I want to know why the hounds weren't released on the intruder. Where were the dogs? Doesn't the White House have a canine unit to go after these fence jumpers and subdue them? Granted, seeing a guy attacked by a pack of German Shepherds won't be pretty (and I've seen a guy taken down by one and it was no bueno), but security is needed and those hounds can surely take care of business.

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