Thursday, March 28, 2013

Them That Gots Gets!

I was reading about the delayed New York bike sharing program on Gothamist today and the city put out a new map detailing where these bike shares will be available.  I didn't see any kiosks around where I live in Brooklyn (no surprise there).  The majority of the Brooklyn sites seemed to be around Williamsburg and Brooklyn Heights.  But, as someone commented, "Them that gots gets" meaning those who have a lot get a lot.  Hello!  There are other parts of Brooklyn!  Kensington may not be Williamsburg (and thank God it isn't), but I suspect people around here would use a bike rental service if available.  I know I would.  I'm hoping if this thing ever gets off the ground I'll at least be able to rent a bike somewhere around Prospect Park.  Wouldn't it make sense to put bike rentals near the park where there are actual bike lanes?  I guess the powers that be are too busy trying to appeal to the hipster and moneyed crowd rather than serving the needs of Brooklynites who might actually appreciate these kind of services.

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