Saturday, May 2, 2020

Keep Your Distance

Anytime I go out now, whether it's to the grocery store or for a walk, I do my best to keep my distance from others. If I'm walking, I'll cross the street to avoid anyone coming towards me or I'll work to maintain a safe distance if I need to go around someone. I also wear a face mask anytime I go out (although not when I'm alone in my own car). This is the new normal right now and it's sad. I feel like I have to treat every person I see as a potential COVID-19 carrier, and I do! I don't know who has it and who doesn't, so I just assume everyone has it and I need to stay away from them and avoid having them breathe on me. I figure they assume the same thing about me and they should. You can't be too careful these days.

I got my letter from Donnie T. in the mail yesterday. I didn't realize he sent letters to everyone who received the government's Corona cash. I thought his letters were only going to people who got checks in the mail, not people (like myself) who got their money via direct deposit. What a waste of government resources. Donnie really is a big baby. He needs to much positive reinforcement just to get through the day. He has to see his signature on a letter to "My Fellow American" or his name on check to give his fragile ego a boost. His letter made it sound like he'd given you money out of his own pocket (and you know that didn't/wouldn't happen). That money came from taxes you and I pay! Ridiculous. November can't come soon enough.

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