Wednesday, February 8, 2017


I read recently that some legislators in Illinois wanted to create a state holiday for President Obama. Now I am a huge fan of President Obama. I didn't always agree with what he did, but I thought he did a largely good job while in office. However, creating a state holiday for him is the last thing politicians in Illinois should be doing right now. The state has no budget. Shootings are out of control in Chicago. The Chicago Public School system is on the verge (as usual) of financial collapse. State property taxes are ridiculously high. These are REAL issues state politicians should be working on, yet some of them are wasting time on presidential holidays. Priorities, folks. Priorities! And, speaking of priorities (or the lack thereof), Donny T is wasting time today worrying about his daughter's failing clothing line instead of dealing with pressing governmental issues he was elected to handle. Priorities! As a businessman, you'd think Donny would understand that if a product isn't selling, you dump it! If his daughter's clothes aren't selling, should department stores keep them on the selling floor anyway? Uh, no. They need that space to make room for items that are selling or new inventory that will also be tested to sale or fail.

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