So the British/Greek/Whatever Troll's book deal is dead...and he resigned from his job with awful website because he was even too awful for them...and no one wants to hear him speak. What continues to boggle my mind about this whole thing is that all of the people who backed this guy (the right-wingers, Simon & Schuster) were perfectly willing to make money or bask in the glow of publicity from him for his racism, slurs against women, etc., but the pederasty thing was just a bridge too far! And, even after that, his former employer, who claimed that the troll's defense of child molesters was indefensible, STILL came out and defended him and blamed the troll's bad press on everyone else rather than the troll himself! (Hey, the troll said what he said, folks. No one held a gun to his head or forced him to spew that verbal diarrhea. He did it all on his own.) It's time to throw this trash in the burlap sack and toss it in the ocean. Better yet, these idiots who backed the troll can climb in the sack with him since they love him so much and they can all hit the water together.
An awful person who has constantly exhibited awful behavior towards others finally gets a taste of his own awful medicine. Great. Schadenfreude.
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