Sunday, May 19, 2024

Adeus, Portugal!

I have returned home after a week in Portugal, Madiera speficially. What a great place! I highly recommend it if you're looking for somewhere to travel in Europe that it's terribly expensive. The climate is great, the people are nice, and the island is beautiful. I plan had to been to go to Germany sometime this year and I took German lessons last summer with that goal in mind, but I couldn't get it to work out in terms of the time or money I wanted to spend, so I looked into other places in Europe and decided on Portugal. I traveled with a group of Brits (who were a lot of fun and very interesting to observe). As the only American in the travel group, they often asked me questions about the USA, Biden, Trump, etc. Oy vey! I didn't go on vacation to talk about American politics, but they're interested, so I did the best I could to answer as honestly as I could about my feelings on every subject they raised. 

More on Portgual later, but I'll just say that I had a great time and I'm glad to be home. I'm the kind of American who enjoys visiting other countries, but knows I'd never live anywhere else (or at least I don't think I could). I'm too accustomed to what I know here in the US of A!

Here's a picutre of one of the little A frame houses on display in the Santana region of Madeira and also a little model of that house from one of the museums we visited. 

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