Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Great...and Not Great

Great: Seeing Leslie Odom, Jr. in concert Saturday night at the CIBC Theater. What a great show. Leslie sang a lot of Christmas songs (and a few Hamilton and Sam Cooke tunes). No Nationwide jingle though! Leslie could sing a lit of random words and I'd be there for it. His voice is so soothing and he puts on a great show. My seat was in the nosebleed section (as you can see from my photo below), but I didn't care. I was glad to be able to see Leslie perform. 

Not Great: Chicago last Saturday night. First, my sister and I had to jump off the Red Line on our way to the show because the train stopped at a station two stops away from where we were getting off because of "police activity." Then we hopped on a bus for a slow ride down Michigan Avenue. We were lucky to make it to the show on time. Then, after the show let out, the Loop is like a police state because hordes of kids descended on the Loop and some of them beat up a bus driver. This is the kind of stuff that makes me NOT want to go into the city. I was emailing a coworker about Saturday night's shenanigans and the bad-assed kids downtown causing trouble and I told her if you've got 10-20 kids coming at you, there's nothing you can do but take the beatdown/get robbed/whatever. No one should have to deal with that kind of mess. Chicago...do better. Ugh.

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