Thursday, February 18, 2021

Curb Your Dog!

I don't know if it's a result of being locked down for nearly a year now due to Covid restrictions or what, but the latest bee in my bonnet is that people (mainly residents from the condo building next to my co-op) keep bringing their dogs over to relieve themselves on the small patch of lawn behind my building. Because my back rooms face this area, I see the parade of pooches daily while I'm working from home. This is recent occurrence. We didn't used to get a revolving rounds of dogs, but we've got them now. Most of the residents pick up behind their pets, but some don't. I even watched some kid bring his small dog out, he picked up behind the dog, then dropped his doggy shit bag in our recycling can. I've watched this kid do this twice. I can't figure out if he's unable to read (these kids have been out of school for a while) or if he's just a jerk. Maybe he's illiterate AND a jerk. 

I'm tired of seeing these dogs and their lazy owners using my background as a toliet. Get off my lawn and curb your dog! I've been taking pictures all week to help build my case with the local government via 311. My co-op doesn't seem to care. I suggested they at least put a sign up to deter the people from bringing their pets around and the co-op secretary said they'd consider doing that. 

My co-op must be one of the most useless groups around. I had no idea how poor they were in doing anything, including passing along any relevant information to shareholders, until after I bought my place. When I was renting a condo, I knew more about what was going on in my building than I do now as a freaking owner. 

But I digress. I actually entertained the idea of getting a dog last year. I'd gone on Petfinder and checked out a small dog that I thought would be great to have, especially since I'm home all day now. I've always said I'll get a dog after I retire when I have time to devote to my pet. I think I'll stick with the retirement plan because, eventually, I'm going to have to physically go back to work. And what would happen to my dog then? Would I be forced to race home each day to let the dog out? Would I end up utilizing doggy day care? That gets expensive! But now, as I watch the parade of pet owners out in the snow and cold as their dogs come to shit and pee outside of my window, I feel I'm better off observing dogs from afar rather than having one of my least for the time being.

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