Monday, September 9, 2019

Prada? Nada!

I've been wearing glasses since the third grade. My parents both wore glasses so it was inevitable that their children would be visually challenged also. I'm comfortable wearing glasses. What I'm not comfortable is paying so much for them. It's not the actual frames that are all that expensive, it's the lenses. Because I'm now wearing progressive bifocals, I pay an arm and a leg for them. No lines, thin sized, scratch-coating...these things are expensive! I went to have my eyes examined this past weekend and was told I might end up with cataracts. (Great.) But when I went to pick out a new pair of frames for myself after the eye exam, the employee helping me unlocked a display case that held Prada frames. I told her she could lock that case back up because I can't afford Prada glasses. Prada glasses are for people who don't need progressive, no line, thin sized, scratch-coated lenses. Prada glasses are for people who don't need lenses that cost more than your frames. Prada glasses are not for those seriously visually challenged like myself. Prada? Nada!

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