I recently got my quarterly royalties statement and was surprised to see that one of my older books, Daddy Issues, sold more copies than any of my other titles. I shouldn't have been surprised because Daddy Issues is probably the most popular title I've written. Every year, I manage to sell a few copies. Clearly, people like it. My book sales aren't anything significant enough for me to quit my day job over, but it's nice to see that people are reading my work. I write because I have a story to tell and because I want to share those stories with others. I'm not writing to get rich. (I wish I could get rich from writing!)
But back to Daddy Issues. I was up until around 1:00 this morning rereading Daddy Issues. (I'm off from my day job today because I, unfortunately, have to have a root canal this afternoon.) I enjoyed reading Daddy Issues again and I'd forgotten some of the things I'd written in that book. I normally don't go back and reread my books, but I probably should. There were a couple of errors I found in Daddy Issues that annoyed me. One error I noticed was one character sitting in a chair and then leaping up from the couch. (Did he change seats and I just didn't note this?) I think I did a good job of maintaining the voice of Jason, the main character. He's very funny, kind of nasty, and self-deprecating. One of the things I love about Daddy Issues is that it's sleazy. The story of a guy sleeping with his mother's boyfriend isn't exactly uplifting, but that's the story I wanted to tell. I went back to see if I had written this book while I was still living in Philadelphia, but I didn't. I actually wrote it while I was living in Brooklyn, but I would go back to Philly from time to time, so I wasn't far from the area. I doubt I could ever recapture the voice of Jason. What would he be doing now? I wrote Daddy Issues around 2013 so seven years would have passed. Jason would be 31 in 2020. Would he still be with Jared? (Probably not.) What happened to his cousin Carmen? What about his mom? Did she ever find Mr. Right? And what about Paul? A lot of questions, but not a lot of answers.
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