Monday, July 16, 2018

Yes, Sir. May I Have Another?

Is anyone really surprised by Donny T's ass kissing today? I wasn't. What were people expecting him to do ? Call Vlad out for being the real-life Bond villain that he is? Dream on, dreamers because that was never going to happen. If Vlad doesn't have something on Donny, then Donny is dumber than I thought. What person would just roll over,  discredit his own government intelligence agencies, and suck up to a foreign leader (again, against his own government)? And, given Donny's huge ego, seeing him fawn over someone like Vlad is so out of the norm that you know there's something else going on here. All signs point to extortion. Remember, folks, Donny would never even have passed the highest level of the government's security clearance had he not been elected POTUS. Hell, I doubt he could have gotten a job in a government mail room let alone in the White House with all of his conflicts and shady real estate deals. I'm surprised Vlad didn't tell him to go get his shine box during the press conference today. If he had, I'm sure Donny would have run and gotten it too.

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