Friday, July 13, 2018

The Roommate

It's been a long week filled with a new work schedule and a new commute and I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend to, hopefully, do some writing. Last weekend, I did see the play The Roommate at the Steppenwolf Theatre and I'm finally getting around to blogging about it. The play was about two middle-aged women who ended up sharing a house together. One was a divorcee who lived in Iowa and the other was a lesbian from New York. The New Yorker had secrets about her past that eventually came out as the two women grew closer. The women's roles also reversed as the play went on. I won't spoil any of the details, but I left the performance wondering what the takeaway was supposed to be here. That people who live together eventually morph into each other? I don't know. Great performances by the actors though.

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