Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Crazy in Walgreens

In today's adventures in Crazytown, I ended up arguing with a woman in Walgreens who couldn't decide if she was in the line or out of it. What is wrong with people? Get in line and stay in line. Is that so hard to do? If you need to leave the line to grab an item then, as a courtesy, tell the person in line behind you that you'll be right back. But when you have language issues on top of general attitude problems, you end up arguing because people can't read your crazed mind. I swear, people are becoming more and more unruly. Normally, I keep my mouth shut, but sometimes I can't. And lately it seems to be older women (who should know better) who are ready to pick a fight. Sad. The woman I got into it with at Walgreens had her kid with her. If she had been alone, I probably wouldn't have shown the amount of restraint that I did. I really thought she didn't speak English and asking her if she did was, clearly, the wrong question to ask because it just set her off. She told me she was born here. Doubtful, but okay. "Great," I told her. "Good for you." I should have added that Donny T. won't be able to throw her out back to whatever third-world shithole (his words, not mine) she came from then. Restraint, Kim. Restraint. I have to admit when I saw the woman and her daughter leaving in their beaten, hub-cap-missing Nissan, I felt a little better. The car totally went with her fake eyelashes, tilted wig, and dusty clothing. That's mean, I know, but you can't be nice all the time.

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