Monday, November 24, 2014

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

I hate a hypocrite. If you talk the talk, you should walk the walk, right? Two recent bits of news I read on my gossip sites are perfect examples of the kind of hypocrisy I despise.

First, the British Royal Family has a dress code for journalists to follow when interviewing any member of their clan. The media is all a flutter about William and Kate coming to the United States next year for a visit so these dress codes have been in the news. The Royals request that no one (including technicians) wear "trainers" (that's gymshoes/sneakers for us in the US). Let me see if I understand this correctly. Duchess Kate can't even bother to put on drawers half the time she's out and about, yet journalists and their staff can't wear gymshoes??? Right. I understand a journalist dressing appropriately to interview anyone, but should a cameraman have to adhere to these same standards? I don't think so. If Kate can run around flashing her behind to the public whenever a stiff breeze blows her skirt, then I think a technician interviewing her should be allowed to wear what he or she feels comfortable in.

Second, I read about Halle Berry taking her first baby's daddy to court over straightening and dyeing their daughter's hair in an effort, she claimed, to make the child look "white." That little girl doesn't look white no matter what you do to her hair, but I digress. People choosing to straighten their child's hair (whether chemically or through some other process) is their business, but Halle is a hypocrite. Does she not straighten and dye her own hair??? I'm sure she does. So that's okay for her, but not for her child by the child's own father? Whatever. 

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