Sunday, July 26, 2020

Write, Wrote, Written

I read a quote recently that was attributed to the author Anne Lamott that said most people who want to write a book actually want to say they've written a book. I get that. I agree that having a finished book is much better than having to actually write a book. Writing is hard work. Trying to make something out of nothing is an ordeal. There's also the time issue. Many writers can't afford to write full-time, so we work day jobs and do other things and try to squeeze the writing in between all of that. It's a tough job! I love to write and when I'm into it, it's great. When I'm not, it's terrible. Trying to bring random ideas together in a coherent story with a workable timeline is difficult. The project I'm working on now has been reworked three times. It started with third-person narrators, then went to alternating first-person narrators, and then back to third-person narration. Oy! But it's finally coming together and I plan to have it done by the end of August. It's been a struggle. I've been too distracted with work from my day job (that has overtaken some of my time on the weekends, unfortunately) and the everyday stress of the Covid situation that I just haven't been as diligent about writing as I should have been. I've got to change that and just make the time to write and stop letting everything else interfere with that.

In other news, my Dr. Fauci Bobblehead came in the mail last week. It's about time, Bobblehead Hall of Fame! I ordered this thing back in April. Keep on keeping on, Dr. F! Don't let the haters, Donny T, and the nutjobs get you down. 

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